7 Myths About Sleep

     Having a healthy sleep habits and quality is one of the key health. Many things sleep related activities that affect the health aspects that are important to maintain and pay attention to the quality of your sleep everyday.

     To improve the quality of sleep, you should also receive accurate information about healthy sleep. Unfortunately, there was a bit of information which is developing a myth or just info that is not necessarily true of the scientific side. Here are seven myths about sleep that developed in the community:

1. We must sleep 8 hours every day.

This understanding of the most frequently encountered. Figures 8 hours obtained from Thomas Wehr research in the '90s in which subjects are conditioned for 14 hours a day in the dark without the aid of artificial light. The result memesuki fourth week, they settle into a pattern of sleeping four hours of sleep, wake up 1-2 hours, then slept 4 hours. But the total amount of sleep 8 hours a day already implanted in the brain of society.

In 2001, historian Roger Ekirch write the matching of research immersion 16 years. Human sleep 2 hours 4 hours after sunset, and then wake up for 2 hours and finally sleep again for 4 hours.

In fact, now in the presence of artificial lighting and encouragement of social life, our sleep patterns are already very far from our ancestors. Will our sleep patterns will evolve to adjust to the changing times? Or health and our productivity will continue to be undermined by the need to sleep that never fulfilled?

2. Out eat well mengatuk.

Every hour we awake a sleep debt that cause drowsiness. But the sleep debt is not alone control sleep. There is also a biological clock ticking inside help determine times when we are hungry, need to urinate and also times when we are active and sleepy.

The biological clock and sleep debt vying to control us. By the time we get up in the morning, with minimal sleep debt and the biological clock began to climb we feel fit as a fiddle. The more daytime sleep debt increases, but with a high biological clock, we feel in good shape.

After lunch with the amount of sleep debt rather high, our biological clock lowering keterjagaannya to us sleepy. The current commonly called the circadian dipping after lunch.

3. Sleep debt can be paid off.

Our biological clock is very sensitive to light. This is why our ancestors before the artificial light, rare sleep disorder as it is now. Now there is a separate sleep disorder who had no: Impaired biological clock.

By shifting patterns of sleep and boost social life, man is now being deprived of sleep. Lack of sleep is also known as sleep debt. Great sleep debt due to lack of sleep will beat the biological clock. As a result we are still sleepy during the day.

The problem is, the debt must be paid. With nap? Sleep more on weekends? Sleep early?

Ability nap will decrease with age. If young adults can sleep 2-3 hours during the day, while older people can only sleep 20 minutes only.

What if bed early, because the lack of sleep last night? It is fine, but be aware of changes in sleep patterns. Will sleep easier if we routinely regular sleep schedule more or less the same. Anyway, little sleep debt actually helps us sleep better at the next night anyway.

4. Sleeping early and waking up early is probably the best

We often hear advice like this. From where? Of older people kita.Tapi understand also that in their era, access to electricity and artificial light is still very limited. The biological clock can be said is still very sensitive to the natural cycles of dark and light.

Pulse light and 24 hours of life can not be avoided affect our sleep patterns. Some studies show that we are sleeping two hours less than our ancestors.

The shift in sleep patterns most felt by the adolescent-young adult. The age they need to sleep 8.5 to 9.25 hours a day. With the loss of sleep patterns afternoon as our ancestors, young adults just to sleep at night alone. They provide a biological clock approaching midnight drowsiness. Whereas contemporary life requires them to keep up early!

Sleep early and wake up early for young adults have differences. Waking up at 7:30 am for a teenager, as it feels with his parents get up at 5:00 in the morning. If parents get up at 5:00 am with a sense of sound full of vitality, young people have to wake up with drowsiness, foggy and not fresh. Waking up at 5:00 am for young adults the same as when the parents wake up at 2: 00-3: 00 in the morning.

5. Sleep only requires discipline.

As for sleep is needed discipline. Discipline to maintain a sleep schedule, discipline to prepare for sleep, the discipline to turn off all communication devices and monitors a few minutes before going to bed, and other discipline-discipline. But as written above, this discipline should also consider the schedule and the biological clock.

Anyone should have the deadly devices that emit light one hour before bedtime. Young adults should have shut off the communication devices since 10pm. Lack of sleep and smartphones that stays on the cause sleeptexting in adolescents.

Discipline in order to sleep according to the schedule in accordance with the biological clock. Forcing sleep too late in adolescence will be useless, without notice biological clock. If you want to shift the hours of sleep a teenager, there is a separate way. Promote 15 minutes every 2 nights. Do not immediately slide 1-2 hours.

6. Drowsiness is laziness.

Drowsiness is not laziness. Drowsiness indicate an unmet need for sleep. That is all.

Drowsiness necessarily reduce productivity. Only sleep can restore and refresh cognitive abilities-mental. With our emotions as well sleep freshened up more positive. So in fact, maintain healthy sleep is actually actually increase productivity.

Caffeine and various energy drinks only postpone sleepiness. Sometimes indeed we need, but it does have to continually?

Unfortunately, again not many people know that there is also a sleep disorder that caused people always sleepy. This is called hypersomnia. The sleep disorders include narcolepsy, sleep apnea, periodic limb movements in sleep and others.

7. Snoring sign of a deep sleep.

Instead of people who do not usually sleep soundly snoring. Snoring is a sign of sleep apnea or stop breathing during sleep. Stopping breathing caused by airway relaxes and narrowed during sleep. Although the movement of breath persists, no air can pass. In a congested state, the body's defense mechanism will awaken the brain for a moment, to take a breather. Afterwards the patient straight back to sleep.

     Although experienced stop breathing hundreds of times sleep apnea patients never remember when he woke-up from sleep. However, he did not wake up fresh and constantly sleepy during the day even though the bed is long enough.

     Without realizing, was attacked by various diseases as a consequence of snoring, such as hypertension, diabetes, heart problems, impotence until the stroke. Until now, snoring is still the most dangerous sleep disorders but the most neglected
Title : 7 Myths About Sleep
Description :      Having a healthy sleep habits and quality is one of the key health. Many things sleep related activities that affect the health asp...

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