Doesn't Want To Be Fat? After 9 PM. Avoid Eating These Foods

     Who is not tempted by the sweetness of brown, sticky paste, and the delicious pizza if you're hungry at night? But unfortunately, all three can lead to obesity if consumed after 9pm.

     9 pm is the deadline for the consumption of food because the body will rest 8 hours. Should avoid eating these foods if it is late at night.

1. Milk

If during this milk is considered good for health because it contains high protein and calcium, you should reconsider another substance called lactose that can be a problem in digestion. It also will be worse if you suffer from lactose intolerance. But, if you must drink a glass of milk, choose sugar-free milk or lactose-free, the more protein and calcium.

2. Pasta

Savory chewy pasta you should avoid because of high carbohydrate. However, this does not apply if you're in the program gain weight. Carbohydrates in pasta produce calories will accumulate around the waist, so better consumption in the morning before or after exercise. If you do like pasta, make spaghetti squash and pumpkin shaved lengthwise like spaghetti.

3. Chocolate

In addition to sugar and fat that accumulates while we slept, chocolate also contains caffeine. This substance turned out to be dangerous for some people because it would make it difficult to sleep. As a result, you will be lack of sleep can cause damage to body tissue. As an alternative, create a light concoction by mixing one scoop of chocolate protein powder with the egg whites and cook in the microwave for 90 seconds. Chocolate brownie without caffeine even this ready devoured.

4. Pizza

According to the study, the pizza is the most favored food of people who are dieting. Therefore, if you want to eat it, make sure that you enjoy it before 9pm. Pizza avoided because in it there is a lot of calories, carbs, and fat will accumulate in the abdomen. If there is, the better choose the poached eggs for a good source of protein

5. Chili

Chili may appear as a highly nutritious food source of protein and carbohydrates are very small. In fact, chili usually be a mixture of the food is not good when enjoyed too often. Effects of spicy chili is at issue. It could be the cause of heartburn, which will disturb your sleep.

6. Excessive Meat Consumption

Many people assume that meat is rich in amino acids and proteins will help the formation of muscle tissue. That is true, but if you consume excessive amounts of meat, could be bad. Make sure you only consume 20-50 grams of meat every day, before bed.

7. Chinese Food

Who could not be tempted by the delicious Chinese food that is more easily found and many options? These foods are not recommended for consumption after 9pm because it contains MSG that makes it difficult to sleep and carbohydrate and high fat. But if you can not resist the urge to taste Chinese food, try to enjoy small portions without sauce and replace rice with vegetables.

8. Celery

Apparently there are also vegetables better not be consumed after 9pm. Celery is a vegetable that is a diuretic, causing you always feel the urge to urinate. This of course can disrupt sleep hours. To the solution, choose cauliflower and broccoli are crisp as healthy snacks and practical.

9. Fruit Juice

Although derived from the juice, the acid in the juice was not good for the body. It is dangerous for the heart and artificial sugar content is equally berbahanyanya. Instead, create a fruit salad consisting of pieces of fresh fruit.
Title : Doesn't Want To Be Fat? After 9 PM. Avoid Eating These Foods
Description :      Who is not tempted by the sweetness of brown, sticky paste, and the delicious pizza if you're hungry at night? But unfortunatel...

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