7 Habits of Healthy in the Morning

     Implementing a healthy lifestyle in the morning can positively impact the the whole body. Healthy habits that you do every morning will indirectly provide positive energy for the body to carry out activities throughout the day. Breakfast in the morning is one of the healthy habits that you need to apply. Instead, waking up late is not a healthy habit that you should immediately leave. So what are the healthy habits that should we pursue ?

7 healthy habits in the morning

1. Wake up early
Waking up earlier than the average person is a healthy habit that you should apply. By waking up early, you can have plenty of time to exercise or breakfast without haste. If you wake up 15 minutes before starting activity such as work, college or school, then you have lost a lot of positive benefits which could you earn.

2. Drinking water
The average adult slept for 6 to 8 hours per night. During this period, the body does not get fluid intake. Drinking water should be one of the main priorities should you do in the morning after waking. Drinking water is beneficial to remove toxins in the body.

3. Drink warm lemon water and honey
Some people often feel discomfort in the abdomen in the morning. To overcome this, drink hot lemon water mixed with honey. The drinks can be a cure constipation and maintain the health of your colon.

4. Sports
Take advantage of the time in the morning for jogging, biking or other light exercise. Exercising in the morning will keep your body fit and helps improve concentration while working.

5. Bath
Shower in the morning shortly after waking considered very effective to expel drowsiness and keeps the body refreshed. It would be better if you bathe with cold water, because several studies have shown that a cold shower can awaken the nerves in the body and improving blood flow.

6. Drinking juice
Do not start the day with caffeinated beverages such as tea or coffee. Caffeinated beverages actually stimulate the brain, but no significant impact for your body. Instead, drink orange juice.

7. The full breakfast
Breakfast will make the body become more energetic and help improve your brain memory. The morning breakfast is very necessary to support your activities throughout the day. Therefore, never ever skip breakfast. However, it is recommended to choose healthy foods such as foods rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates.
Title : 7 Habits of Healthy in the Morning
Description :      Implementing a healthy lifestyle in the morning can positively impact the the whole body. Healthy habits that you do every morning w...

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